Sunday, July 29, 2012

God began the stirring

Where it began..... 

God began speaking about us possibly leaving the US well over a year ago. We thought what he began to show us and draw us to was Costa Rica. That idea was an awakening to what we would be doing now.  Almost like an invitation the Lord was sending to see if we would accept his call yet again, but in a different location and country; BELIZE... 

Jason and I would never have thought we would be leading this type of lifestyle, moving whenever and wherever God leads. But, we know there is no better place than in his will. He has called us and it may look crazy to the average person, but who isn't considered crazy who desires to please God and do what he says.  We would much rather follow him than hold onto our own worldly desires and stay where it is comfortable and familiar. It is not worth the cost of missing him. Our first experience with this was back in 2002 when he led us to leave Arizona and move back to our home state of NJ. Then again in 2007 when he was speaking to us to leave NJ and venture to SC. 
Now it is Belize, and this is out of our home country....We will be leaving all our comforts, extended family, familiar ways of living and even daily ways of life. We will be switching to washing our laundry by hand, living off solar power, and mainly off what we grow. Also, raising animals for milk, cheese and eggs. It's all worth it, if it means we are reaching and serving people for the Lord. This is our goal!
Yes, he most certainly uses people in their own countries and others he sends out. Apparently, we are some of those being sent out and not the first. 
"Where he leads he guides and where he guides he provides". Someone quoted this recently and I do believe this is very true because he always has.
His word says he will never leave us or forsake us and he never has.

I stumbled across information on the web about Belize and felt the impression to research it further. After doing so, I contacted the person behind the information and with that it seemed the journey began.... This person is a married Christian with children, also led by God to purchase some property in Belize and set up off-grid living, as well as an orphanage. The funniest part is it lined up with what we believed God was showing us we might be doing in Costa Rica. 

We began meeting with some good friends, Brooke and Rick Reed, who were also feeling the same about Costa Rica as we were. These meetings were to pray and see what God was saying to us about this. God has opened another door through another Christian and she offered us the opportunity to stay with her in Belize so she can take us around and help us find where God is leading us to exactly. God has done some amazing things, such as bringing people to buy things that we have been selling, who either know missionaries to Belize, are missionaries themselves or know missionaries. These things we have sold have not been through Christian websites. 
God moved mountains so that Jason could get off the exact week we needed even though there was no availability on the vacation schedule. Someone actually made a mistake November of 2011 and put a driver for the night schedule in during the day schedule which freed up the exact week we needed Jason off. Even his supervisor said, "You must have been praying hard for this to happen.". Again the bidding for vacations were all done Nov. 2011 and the mistake had not been caught since that time. 

We have found that when you totally trust in the Lord for your future and begin to follow his will for your life, it can be fun. It is like going on a treasure hunt. With every step we take of faith by his direction, he adds a piece to the puzzle and leads us to the next clue. We have been amazed at the impossible things that He has done for us since we started following his lead in 2002. Things happen that aren't coincidence. He is just awesome. If we worship him and spend our lives following him, instead of wasting time building the so called "American Dream", it will all be worth it. When you witness him putting things together for you, knowing he is thinking of you, everything else pales in comparison. 

I think that one of the hardest parts for those in the Bible was when family and friends didn't understand why they were picking up and following Jesus. We must do what the faithful did and pray God helps those who don't understand, and brings them peace while we move forward to please our Father and do his will. 

So let the journey begin..... 

On August 5-12th we will be spying out the land and receiving a clearer picture of what property we should be on. We are not picking anything based on what we like the best, unless God gives us the choice.  I will be posting pictures when we return. Our passports are waiting to be used for the first time.

Please pray for us as we need to know God's will and hear his voice clearly. If you feel led to help support us now or in the future, I will be figuring out how to post a link to the ministry who will be accepting funds for us and sending the full amount to us. 

Please always pray for us for;
Protection, Direction, Provision, Revelation and whatever else you can think of..
Thank you and God Bless You,
Love, The Jeffers Family