Sunday, September 15, 2013

Men Of Honor

Submitted by Jason:

     The pastor of our church here in Spanish Lookout, Fountain Of Life Church, has been connected with several Belizean men with a heart to change the spiritual climate of this country beginning with it's youth. These Belizean men were partnering with a ministry from Texas, Men Of Honor, to reach the "men" of Belize between the ages of 10-17. After much preparation, planning and prayer, this ministry came to Belize last weekend to launch what will be (and I emphasize prophetically, WILL BE) a move of God amongst the young men that provokes a nation to repentance.
     I was privileged to be invited as a father and a leader to the three day camp. There were approximately 25 young men that took part in it, not including the other fathers and leaders that participated. The camp focused on the core values that should be the mark of a godly man such as; honesty, integrity, courage, leadership, etc... It was amazing to see how God moved in the lives of these "men" in 3 short days.
     On the morning of Sunday, Sept. 8, at the camp's conclusive teaching time, there was a time of prayer in which several of the young men were filled with the Holy Spirit and all were touched by His sweet, powerful presence. The leaders and fathers prayed for each of these young men with the laying on of hands and prophetic affirmation that ended with most of these young men, and several of the adults, including myself, weeping on the concrete floor, either on their hands and knees or laying face down in reverence to God's unique, transforming presence.
     The visible difference in these young men on the bus ride home compared to the spiritual climate on the bus ride to camp was priceless. No amount of money could have transformed the hearts of these young men the way that one moment in His glory had. That's the Kingdom. God put his stamp of approval on this weekend by sealing it with a fresh touch from Him that will live forever in the hearts and minds of these young men.
     I believe that, with proper discipleship, the ministry of Men Of Honor has everything necessary to successfully restore godliness in manhood to Belize.

     In other news, we've begun the process of fulfilling all of the governmental requirements necessary to apply for residency here. Sept 20th marks the one year anniversary of when we arrived in Belize. After this date, we can officially apply.
     Please continue to pray for our safety and God's direction in our lives. Our intent is to be about the Father's business. We do not want to be distracted from giving ourselves to His perfect will for us.
     As always, thanks to all who continue to stand with us in prayer as well as financially. You're greatly appreciated.