Submitted by Jason;
In March I posted about "The Need For A Base In The Village". Well, in June, we were able to begin leasing a building with the help of a few churches in the U.S. that have caught the vision. The building is two stories. It was, at one time, used as a church. My ministry partner, Pastor Dale Loy, donated two billiards tables which are used downstairs as a tool to bring in the young people that wouldn't otherwise step foot in a church. The upper room is a 30' x 40' open floor plan that we use as our sanctuary.
We're currently averaging 50-60 young people every Wednesday and Saturday night. We're identifying leaders and are in need of a plan to disciple those leaders in a way that pulls the potential out of them. In order to take a step such as this, we need more laborers who feel called and committed to giving themselves away to the people of Belize, primarily the young people of Buena Vista.
With our Buena Vista ministry gaining momentum, and many people expressing interest in following our progress in the village, we felt the need to name our ministry. We have settled on Grace Church Buena Vista. We're in the process of developing a website that allows friends and family to more easily follow what's happening here, in Belize.
Bill Craver of DCI Missions has also partnered with us this summer in bringing the missions teams that he hosts from Canada and the U.S. to our church on Wednesday nights. Last week, in fact, one of his short term missions teams supplied the paint and the manpower to paint the inside of our church, both upstairs and downstairs. The children in Buena Vista really enjoy the coloring books, face paint, nail polish, etc. that the teams bring with them. All things considered, the teams usually tell me at the end of the evening that they received more than they gave.
One member of a previous team from Canada has kept in touch and helped raise funds for us to be able to purchase a new toilet and bathroom sink for Grace Church Buena Vista. These types of relationships are essential for our forward progress with our growing vision. Our vision for the church will be shared in detail on our website, which should be up soon.
On a personal note, Francie and I recently found out that we're expecting our second grandchild. Brendan and Asia are expecting in February. My son, Andrew, has been in Belize City for the last few weeks as a volunteer counselor for Belize Camping Experience, a Christian youth camp program. He has a few more weeks to go. He's scheduled to return on Aug 16th. I expect him to post about his experience at camp when he returns. Also, Darrell & Kayla, my son-in-law and daughter are moving to Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada on Aug 7th. Darrell has a trucking job lined up and they're committed to it for "a season".
The Domata Bible School that I posted about previously has been postponed. It is now scheduled to begin Sept 1st. We have, however, taken part in some of the evening meetings of World Outreach Church which is somewhat of a partnering ministry to Domata Bible School. WOC is a church in San Ignacio that is slowly gaining ground on impacting the unchurched and calling those who have strayed from the faith to return to the kingdom.
The Men Of Honor program that I'm involved with continues to hold meetings every Friday evening. MOH Belize is a discipleship program for young men within the age range of 11-17 years of age. We focus on teaching these "men" valuable lessons on biblical manhood. We teach them that "Manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.", "Good is the enemy of best.", "Fear attracts attack.", "There is no greatness outside of God.", and "If there is no man, I will be the man.", to name a few.
On behalf of my whole family, I'd like to thank all of you who've committed to partnering with us in prayer and financially. Please continue to pray for us as often as you think of us. There's much ground to be gained for His kingdom here, in Belize and we covet your prayers.
Anyone desiring to visit or bring a team, feel free to contact us. We'd gladly assist you in making this possible. Thanks and God bless.