Friday, November 30, 2012

Walk In Unity

Submitted by Jason

     So, here we are. A little over two months have passed since we've entered this new territory called the mission field. We've quickly discovered that when you completely entrust your life into the hands of the one true living God, giving Him full permission to use your life in any way that He sees fit to further His kingdom, things will rarely go as planned. That's the reality of missions.
     In our prayer time leading up to our departure, the Lord has shown me, what I believe to be, specific vision and callings for our ministry. However, the time frame of this vision remains undefined and I've concluded that I prefer it to be that way.
     The Lord could have easily given us specific instructions of how to accomplish all of the things that He'd like to use us for. All of the details of where, when, who, what, how, why, etc. could have been made known to us before we ever stepped foot on the Carnival cruisliner in Galveston, Tx in September, but they were not. Only bits and pieces of information were made available to us. Apparently, just enough information for us to know that He was leading and that we were to obey.
     If the Lord had given us such specific details of how to go about our days in Belize, our lives would be more about following a schedule instead of pursuing Him daily. While I believe that He is able to show the exact way to go, I believe that He is as much interested in our pursuance of Him as we are in finding intimacy with Him through relying on His presence to guide us.
     I believe that the free will that God has given to man has the ability to either accelerate or decelerate the time frame of His vision and purpose in our lives. I believe that He so wants to use us to further His kingdom that He patiently guides us through our weaknesses empowering us to carry the weight of His work into the darkest of places.
     In the past few days, Francie and I have had a couple of extremely tough days relationally. While I'm tempted to believe that the enemy is looking for a weakness to expose in us, I'm crediting the Lord for using situations and circumstances to force me to focus my attention on the weaknesses in our marriage pertaining to communication, honor, responsibility and respect, to name a few. It's as if He's showing me that we've come this far without me placing a priority on strengthening our marriage, but it's necessary for me to do so before He can take us to another level in ministry.
     Please join with us in prayer as we take the month of December to focus on strengthening our marriage. We will continue to do the work that He's set before us with a renewed commitment to walk in unity before Him believing for an acceleration of His purposes in our lives.
     As always, special thanks to those who continue to stand with us, both in prayer and financially.

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