Submitted by Jason;
This morning at approximately 5 am I was awakened by a pain above my left ear that I initially thought was the sting of a wasp. My sudden movement as a reaction to this had awakened my wife as well. As she shined her bedside flashlight on the side of our bed, that was so quickly vacated by me, she spotted the culprit: a scorpion about 3 inches in length. Somewhat stunned by the incident, but powered by adrenaline, I turned on the light and proceeded to terminate it's mission with one of my shoes. Francie tended to me with some Benedryl and what I believe was Tea Tree Oil and we went back to sleep.
Our morning was like many other Sunday mornings for a family of our size with much scurrying in preparation for church. We attended church and returned home to a very normal post-church service routine of feeding the crew and retreating to our own down time for the following hour or two.
During this time, I was reading some missionary blogs as the reality of what was happening settled in. I began to think about all of the experiences that we've encountered here in Belize, all of the breaking, all of the shifting, all of the spiritual warfare culminating to a sting of the head.
No, I'm not only talking about the scorpion sting on my head, but a sting to the head. Paul spoke to the church of Corinth about the head in 1 Cor 11:3 when he said, "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of every woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.".
Clearly God's plan was for Him to be the head of Christ, Christ to be the head of man and man to be the head of every woman. This plan appears to be very clearly laid out by Paul with, in my opinion, very little room for misinterpretation.
It became clear to me that this wasn't simply a random scorpion sting, but a calculated attack to the head. An attack to the head of a man who is called to be the head of a woman and family that has been called to head a specific ministry to the body of Christ here in Belize.
I find it to be no coincidence that this attack came only hours after I posted this to Facebook, "Rev 12:17 (KJV) 17And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." Followers of Christ would be glad to be considered a part of "the remnant" and having "the testimony of Jesus Christ". However, not many are signing up for warring with the dragon and keeping the commandments of God. Make a stand for Christ today and don't turn back."
The devil desires to ruin the plans that the Lord has for us. He comes at us from many angles. This time, a direct attack on the head.
Please pray for our protection and that we don't become distracted from the work for which we've been sent. We're overcoming battles and tearing down strongholds as we gain strength and momentum daily towards recognizing strategies for fulfilling His calling in our lives.
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