Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Love Of A Father

Submitted by Jason

     It's always interesting to me how the Lord uses the relationship that I had with my father and the relationships that I currently have, as a father, with my children to teach me how He leads, provides for and protects His children.
     I've been fortunate to have had what I would consider an extremely healthy relationship with my earthly father, who lost his battle with cancer in Nov of 2009. While, at times, my heart still grieves from his passing, the real grief that I've discovered through his death is the grief of one who lives a life without knowing the love of a father. My intention through mentioning this is not to reopen the wounds in ones life, but solely for the purpose of breathing life into the places of ones being that have been void of life through the power of my testimony and the revelation of God's nature to me.
     Some of my earliest memories of my father were of me falling asleep on his chest as he lay on his back on the couch watching sports. He was a man full of compassion and warmth. Although he worked long hours and kept a busy schedule, I never felt like he didn't have time for me. I always felt safer when he was around and his sense of humor was always uplifting, except for those awkward teen years when it was more embarrassing than uplifting.
      The Lord often shows me through His word, presence, and revelation how the love of my earthly father mirrors His love toward me. At the same time, He shows me how my relationships with, and how I deal with, my children are an extension of His love toward them.
     For instance, if I had something that was precious or valuable to me, I wouldn't ask my 3 yr old to look after it and care for it. I would look for the most responsible and most capable of all my children to look after such an item. If I had a particular task that was extremely important to me that needs to be done correctly, again, I wouldn't ask my 3 yr old. I'd look to the one who I felt was most capable of carrying out that task thoroughly and efficiently. In every father there's an unwritten list of criteria that he uses to judge each of his children that determines which level or category of trust he/she falls into.
     I believe that the Lord treats us in the same manner. If you're a believer in, and follower of, Jesus Christ, then you are his child. We, as his children, have developed different levels of maturity and accountability with Him through our conduct.
     Sometimes, as a father, you need your child to display immediate obedience without knowing why they are being given a particular task to accomplish. The expectation from a father would be; obey first and ask questions after. This type of interaction is the very thing that develops the trust necessary to show yourself worthy of a greater task in the future. If I had a task that I needed to be accomplished in the future, but none of my children were ready to handle the task yet, I could tell a particular child that he/she will be given this task in the near future and in the meantime I would purpose to equip that child with everything that they need to successfully accomplish it, or I could equip them without revealing the task until I felt that they were ready for it.
      Either way would seem logical and acceptable to me.
     At this point, I believe that the Lord has spoken to me regarding a particular task that He has in mind for my family and I, but the time is not right for us to step into it. In the meantime, we can confidently approach each day knowing that the very tools that we'll need to successfully carry out this task are being developed in us daily as we tune our ears to His commands and obey first and ask questions after.
     There's no greater joy, no greater peace, no greater feeling than placing your complete security in the ever powerful hands of the one that conquered death, hell and the grave. These same ever powerful hands are always ready to embrace a child that doesn't know the love of a father.
     If you're feeling a void or unfulfillment in an area of your life, please, call a church in your area or contact us. All information will be kept confidential.
     Greater levels of freedom await those who are hungry enough to pursue them.

Friday, October 19, 2012

One True Desire

Submitted by Jason

     Lately, the hardest thing for me is to be patient. The bible has much to say about patience and the virtue that comes with it and the blessings to be bestowed upon one who displays it. I could list several verses that contain the word patience to prove my point, but yesterday, the Lord used a verse that many Christians, including myself, know very well, to teach me about patience without that word being a part of the verse.
     That verse is Ps 37:4, "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give you the desires of thine heart.". Before I explain how the Lord used this verse to minister to me, I'd like to share the first personal experience that I had with this verse as a young believer.
     In 1994 Francie & I left our home state of New Jersey and moved to Arizona. She was 21, I was 20, and we were engaged to be married. In that same year, she conceived Kayla, I learned how to drive a truck, we got married and I gave my life to Jesus all in that year. Arizona was good to us. We lived there for over 8 yrs.
     When I became a Christian and started going to church and reading my bible, I would stumble upon scripture that I simply couldn't understand. I would bring these scriptures to the pastor and he'd help me as much as he could. Ps 37:4 was one of these scriptures.
     After about 7 years of living in Az, I was ready to move back to NJ. Francie on the other hand was not. In fact she vowed to never move back to NJ. In light of Ps 37:4, I brought the desires of my heart to the Lord. I asked him to speak to her about moving back to NJ and decided that I would not talk with her about this again. I trusted that he would fulfill his word. The only question was, "What does it mean to delight thyself in the Lord?".
     At that point, I'd been a Christian for about 7 years. I had a sincere desire to align my life with the scriptures. Somewhere along this journey, I came to realize that I had to decide whether God's word was true or not. Once I had decided that it was true, then I had to realize that it's either all true or none of it is true. Either Jesus is who he said he is and has done what he said he did or it's a fictional book.  Everything that it said that was contrary to how I lived my life had to be confronted. Something had to change. The sooner I realized that it was my life that needed to change, because God's word never changes, the better off I was.
     So, I wrestled with trying to figure out how to delight myself in the Lord, but moved forward in my Christian walk stumbling over and over. Each time I stumbled, Jesus picked me up, brushed me off and sent me on my way with a loving hand guiding me forward.
     I clung to that verse for about a year, wondering if the Lord actually cared about fulfilling his word. I felt that I was doing everything that I could to delight myself in him, but this desire of mine was being ignored.
     Sometime in 2002, Francie visited NJ to attend the wedding of one of her closest childhood friends. When she returned to Az she told me of how the Lord had spoken to her about moving back to NJ as she drove down the Atlantic City Expressway. I think I ran out of the room and started packing! So, we did just that. We moved back to NJ and spent the next 5 yrs of our lives there. I can remember thanking God for performing his word in my life by speaking to Francie about my desires, but I couldn't pinpoint where, exactly, I'd delighted myself in him.
     This brings me back to my original point of patience.
     Yesterday, I was thinking again of this verse. We find ourselves in a place where we wait patiently for the Lord's direction in our lives when all we want to do is get up and sprint towards his presence. Some days are easier than others. Often, I'm tempted to be discouraged on days where it seems like nothing is being accomplished.
     I've concluded that Ps 37:4 is much more about delighting yourself in the Lord than it is about receiving the desires of our hearts. As time goes on and you grow in your walk with Christ, you're desires will definitely change. The delighting part never does. Your understanding of how to delight yourself may change, but the command does not.
     For me, it has been in this continual process of delighting myself in him that I can now trust that the way that God has for me is better than any desire of mine.
     When God's will for our lives becomes our one true desire, delighting yourself in the Lord becomes an act without need of reciprocation.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Back To Square One

Submitted by Jason

     Thursday night I visited the same small church that I mentioned in a previous post. Once again, I was delighted in, inspired by and convicted by their hunger and how a group of people that collectively have so little, (material possessions), give so much of themselves to the Lord in worship.
     The pastor shared a powerful message in James 4 while graciously translating throughout it's entirety in recognition of my attendance. Seemingly, every one of the adults took the time to shake my hand and welcome me following the service. Some struggled in conversation with me in that place where you step out of your comfort zone, fearlessly risking the discomfort and potential embarrassment of trying to communicate with someone in a language which is secondary to you. Others just smiled and blessed me in Spanish.
      Nothing blessed me more than the short conversation that I had with the pastor after the service. It was about 9:30 pm as the service ended. The pastor apologized for having to end our conversation abruptly because many of the congregation were climbing into the back of a box truck that he uses to drive them home. Gesturing in a general direction unfamiliar to me, he told me that some of them live up in those mountains and that he picks them up and drives them home. He also told me that the ones that live in the mountains have to walk a little over a mile from their homes to get to the point where he can pick them up. He told me with a smile that they walk through the mud in the dark to get to me.       I'm still not sure whose sacrifice has impacted me more; the believers that go to great lengths just to assemble in His presence, or the pastor whose Thursday evening consists of picking up, preaching to and then dropping off the body.

     There is a price to be paid for following Him. We knew that when we made our decision to leave everything that we have to follow His call on our lives. The price that believers pay worldwide vary in many ways. Obviously, some more extreme than others. I'd like to preface what I'm about to say by acknowledging that I fully understand that many believers worldwide experience torture, imprisonment and even death as their cost and my price pales in comparison to believers that have suffered in these ways for His name.
     One of the prices that we have paid in the recent past is the price of friends, family and acquaintances not understanding how we make seemingly major decisions based on a word from the Lord without a clear understanding of what the next step is. We have learned, and continue to learn, to entrust our lives, the lives of our children and our welfare into the ever capable hands of an indescribable God.
     Earlier this week I was "welcomed" into "the ministry" with the task of meeting with the facilitators of the property in which we had agreed to rent to inform them that the Lord has instructed us to go in a different direction and that we would not be renting the property from them. This was a difficult conversation to have with someone who has stepped out in faith, believed in and trusted us by working out our original agreement.
     With no explanation other than the Lord's instruction to go in a different direction, I sat at a table before them with a heavy heart as I shared this word with them. My heart was heavy due to the love and trust that we received from this couple and the fact that I was there to break the agreement that we entered into, but at the same time, I understand that I have no business apologizing to any man for obeying what I believe to be the Lord's direction. The meeting went as well as can be expected for such a serious moment. I'm thankful to the Lord for the grace and understanding in which they conveyed toward me.
     So, we're back to square one, waiting patiently for the Lord's instruction for the next step in our journey. We have complete confidence in Him that he'll make the way known to us. Until then, we'll live each day looking for opportunities to share the love of Christ with others in our pursuit of His will for us.

     Today, I will be going to pick up our "stuff" which arrived yesterday from the states. I have to go to the location that the trucking company uses for pick up and investigate the duty that the customs officials have placed on it.
     As always, thank you to those who continue to stand with us financially and in prayer. Please pray for us to have favor with the government here and honesty among the people handling this transaction. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's About Relationship

Submitted by Jason

     Christianity is not about some formula or pattern that we follow to gain God's acceptance or favor in our lives. It's about relationship. As in human relationships, if you value someone or intend on knowing someone better, you make efforts to communicate and spend time with that person, often exposing the vulnerable side of you in faith that you'll not be rejected or hurt. It's the same with the Lord except He'll never reject or hurt you.
     Every relationship has different levels of trust. I think that if you're honest in self-reflection, you can agree that you've been both hurt and hurtful in past relationships. They can grow, deteriorate or sometimes come to an abrupt end.
     When we stepped out in faith a few months ago and began selling everything possible to *lose our lives, we knew that we were entering into a new season which would bring a new level to our personal relationships with the Lord. This is not a level that can only be achieved by entering the mission field. It's not something that is earned through works. I'm simply stating that for us, there was a relational growth that accompanied the decision that we made to answer the call of the Lord on our lives.

     I've been particularly enjoying reading in the gospels about the interaction between Jesus and the disciples. More often than not, the truths that he was revealing to them were difficult for them to comprehend, to say the least.  In John 14:11-12 Jesus tells them, "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.". He goes on to tell them in John 16:7, "But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor (Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.". Then in John 16:12-13 He says, "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth (Holy Spirit), comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."
     In my opinion, God didn't need the disciples to reach the lost or show His might throughout the earth. He could have done it many different ways, but He chose to use people to spread the good news of the gospel throughout the nations. Jesus was an example to the disciples of how to minister effectively to further God's kingdom. Through Him going to the Father, He promised that the disciples would be sent the Holy Spirit to guide them in all truth and enable them to "do even greater things" than His own ministry of healing, deliverance and salvation. Access to that same promised Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth and enable you to "do even greater things" is available to "anyone who has faith in me (Jesus)".

     We experienced a minor setback a few days ago. The vehicle that we are borrowing while we await the arrival of ours from the states has been in the shop, due to transmission problems, since Tuesday. The Lord has turned this setback into good in more ways than one. Romans 8:28 says, "And in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.". We can have confidence that He's working good in our lives through all things.
     It's only through death can we truly appreciate life. After sickness we can better appreciate health. Through lack we can celebrate provision in a greater way. Through hatred we can know love. Through rejection we can appreciate acceptance.
     If there's one thing that I've learned this week, it's to know that God may use seemingly disadvantageous situations to lead us, protect us and display His love toward us.
     I believe that the disciples experienced this revelation at some point. They were told that Jesus had to leave them so that the Holy Spirit would come to enable them to minister more effectively. The time between when Jesus told them of this truth and when the truth was actually revealed to them is unclear in scripture and debatable.
     Be encouraged. It's my hope, and prayer, that if you're facing a seemingly disadvantageous situation in your life that you can trust in God and stand on His truths.

     Please feel free to email us with testimonies, prayer requests or questions. We'd love to hear from you and as always, thanks for standing with us in prayer.

*Mark 8:35 "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it."

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

15 yr old Andrew

Submitted By Andrew (15 yrs old)

     Well, when I first found out that my family was going to be moving to a different country. To be honest, I was pretty bummed and I didn't even know where Belize was! I began thinking about all the things I was going to lose. But I went through it all with the mindset of knowing that in order for me to follow God. Giving things up is a must and it's something that I was willing to do. Thank the Lord I didn't feel all that bad about it either. 

     During a couple of weeks of going through stuff in the house and everything, I came to thinking of all the positive things to moving, like traveling, starting somewhat a new life, meeting new people, and mostly learning. Of course I'm gonna miss all that I have had but everybody needs a change once in a while. The size of the change doesn't matter.

     A lot of the time I would have to back up and notice some of the amazing things that have happened like, Being able to go on an crazy, awesome cruise, meet new people, see different places around the world, and spending more time with my family. Which I have to say had it's ups and downs. :)

     When I came to Belize it was pretty interesting, I guess you could call it. It's really nice nature wise, compared to most of The United States. It's awesome seeing different people and wildlife. And surprisingly most of the people down here know or understand at least some English. The stores and shops are very different compared to the states, heck even most of the roads are paved! There's also an amazing place to get ice cream! That is a huge blessing!

     On Sunday my family and I went to a church called Fountain Of Life. This church is fairly close to the ones in the States that we recently were attending. I met so many people my age that day, and after the service we all went to a park and played baseball, which was so fun!

     Things here in Belize are much simpler and slower than in the States. But I can get used to that. That's mostly what I'm gonna have to do here a lot of times is just get used to it. And I'm OK with that. I hope that one day I'll be able to go back to the United States. But only if God allows it.

     I think my main goal right now is to live life and try to follow Gods path for me.

        Andrew Jeffers :)

(PS if you know me and would like to contact me. My Facebook name is Andrew Jeffers.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exactly What We Needed

Submitted by Jason

     On Sunday we attended a church called Fountain Of Life. They were celebrating the completion of a 3 wk bible course offered by the church in which about 10 people completed. After the service, to celebrate, they had a pot luck lunch for the whole church. It was outstanding. The food rice & beans, chicken, slaw and desserts were delicious, but more importantly, the opportunity to fellowship with the congregation was exactly what we needed.
     Everyone one of our kids disappeared to play with & hang out with new friends after their meal was finished. Francie and I had an opportunity to meet many people during this time. We met the pastor who is from Missouri and an elder who is from Elverson, Pa. (and yes, I had to ask...he is an Eagles fan.)
     The pastor announced after the meal that they were meeting at a park down the road at 3pm to play baseball for anyone interested. We left for church around 9:30 am and returned home after 7pm only returning for a few minutes to change clothes to play ball. When we left the park the kids were alive with excitement over their new friends and look forward to tonight's youth group.
     I had a nice time of discussion with the pastor about many things that day at the field including our vision and calling, local perception of missionaries, Belize history, government mindsets and ministry experiences and opportunities, to name a few.
     Yesterday, we stopped by our friends and had a time of fellowship celebrating the Feast Of Tabernacles according to Lev 23:33-44. They built a sukkah (spelling ?) in which we ate, prayed, sang, learned about the feasts and fellowshiped. As I understand, the Feast Of Tabernacles is basically a time for people born of Israel, Jews, to remember when God brought them out of Egypt. They dwelt in booths made from sticks, branches, leaves, etc... It's an 8 day celebration in which the 1st and 8th day are Sabbaths. This feast is just one of the feasts that the Lord gave to the Israelites through Moses to keep throughout all generations. Christ's sacrifice paved the way for gentiles, non-Israelites, to partake in the blessings originally intended for this chosen people.
     Today, Brendan & I will be spreading limestone in our garden plots as a soil additive. We are working on coordinating the purchase of organic compost from a friend of ours here that we intend on adding as well. After, we will begin hand digging one of our two small ponds that will be used as watering holes for our chickens and cow.
     Thank you in advance to all of you who continue to stand with us in prayer. For anyone interested, our current prayer requests would be for you to pray for; our safety, our soil, relationships, discernment, provision, and a safe arrival of our stuff in transit from Tx with a low duty at customs.