Submitted by Jason
Engaged in my morning work routine of filling my thermos with ice and water the other day, I was reminded of the scene in "Castaway" where Tom Hanks stood alone amidst the tables full of catered food. The welcome party was over and without words the director emphasized the irony of him amidst perfectly arranged trays of food that were barely touched. There I stood in the driver's room at 2:30 am, alone with a choice of free beverages before me that could nourish an entire village. It was then that it occurred to me how easy it has been for me to overlook the simple benefits of living the life that I have to this point.
I am grateful to the Lord and everyone that has played a part in my life thus far. Everyone from the coach that I didn't like because he didn't stand for my nonsense to my immediate family that has loved me through thick and thin. From the casual acquaintance with a strength that I observed from afar and learned from to the pastors that have allowed me into their lives in a way that has taught me how to walk the narrow path that the Lord has laid before us. Everyone and every situation or experience in my life has made me who I am today.
Without providing too much detail, I began to feel the call to the nations in June 2008 and the Lord has used many people, situations and circumstances to solidify this call and make the way clearer as time went on. I believe that our heart to listen with the willingness and intent to obey and our level of faith that has continued to increase over time through relationship with Him has attracted the heart of the Father and hopefully His favor in our lives according to *2 Chronicles 16:9. I hope to have a chance to share this in greater detail with you in the future.
The Lord has greatly accelerated His plan in our lives in the last week. After much prayer, we've reached an agreement with some extraordinary individuals in which we will be renting a house that they are custom building for us on 2 acres of land in the Spanish Lookout area of Belize.
With much peace, I am pleased to announce that after 13 1/2 years of employment with USFoods, Sept 12th will be my last day and on Sept 14th we will close the chapter of our lives in SC.
While we are fully confident in the Lord's ability to provide all of the provision necessary to carry out His will for our lives, we believe in allowing others the opportunity to team with us in impacting the surrounding communities of Spanish Lookout. We, as a ministry team, are believing for the finances to construct a separate living structure for families or teams to come minister alongside of us or just experience Belize first hand. If you are interested in partnering financially with us in any way, whether a one time gift or a monthly pledge, please contact us. There are several ways that you can join us, including a tax deductible option.
Due to the Lord's aforementioned acceleration in our lives, it appears that our desires to have an opportunity to visit with all of our family and friends before we leave will not be possible. However, we hope to coordinate some sort of local gathering to celebrate this season in our lives before we depart. In the meantime, please take it upon yourselves to contact us and set up a time to come visit us. We would be honored.
Thanks in advance for your understanding and your prayers for our family as we transition from one season of our lives to another.
* 2 Chronicles 16:9 (KJV)- For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect (completely) toward him...
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