Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sound The Alarm

Submitted by Jason

     In talking with co-workers and friends about the new season in our lives that we are about to step into, the response has been surprisingly positive. Several people have told us that we, as a family, are courageous and inspirational. The general response from our immediate family members has been not so favorable. For obvious reasons, they have more emotional investment in, and concern for, our family. I understand and appreciate each and every one that has taken their time to let us know what they think and how they feel. To me, it just shows that you care about us.
     For 18 years I've been singing songs in churches on Sunday mornings from Az to NJ to SC. Songs with lyrics like "I surrender all", "Lord, be the center of my life" and "I will trust in you",  just to name a few. Why should we, as Christians, be surprised by or envious of the faith and courage that it takes to step out in this way.  I've honestly thought, "18 years, what took us so long?". I feel like the real faith and courage was shown by the disciples that literally dropped their fishing nets and followed Jesus.
     There is no mention in the bible of the family dynamics of the disciples. Were they husbands? Were they fathers? To my knowledge, we just don't know. What we do know is that there was an alarm that went off in their hearts at whatever stage of their life they were in. An alarm that obviously awakened them to the realization that there was a greater purpose for their life. When Jesus came through their towns they believed that he was the Messiah that was prophesied of. They immediately walked away from the lives that they were familiar with and into a life of uncertainty with faith, courage, and a promise.
      The Lord is strategically positioning His children for His purposes. As we commit ourselves to serving the Lord in a different capacity, we desire for our lives to be used to sound the same alarm in the hearts of others. It doesn't have to take 18 years to hear it. Tune your ear to heaven and listen for the alarm.   

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