Submitted by Jason
The first 10 days here have been nothing less than educational. We have met several families and individuals that have been a wealth of information to us. Learning where to shop for the best prices, how to plant and cook foods that are native to Central America, which "weeds" have medicinal purposes, and how to say a few words in German as well as Spanish are just a few of the things that I have learned from others in our brief time here.
There are some things that you learn just by experience. They just can't be explained with words from someone else. There are some things that can be revealed by the Holy Spirit to you. Instantly, it's as if you've had information downloaded into your spirit from Him. Usually, for me, the Holy Spirit teaches and reveals things to me when and how I least expect it. His unpredictable nature is the fabric of my Christian walk.
Last night was one of those occasions, for me.
For the first time, we attended the church of our pastor friend in the community where we're having our house built. (This is the same pastor that originally proposed the idea of us partnering with his church to help build a school.) A small, modest outbuilding on his property is where they gather. 55-60 people made their way in as the ushers carried more pews in to accommodate the larger than usual gathering.
We were welcomed by Pastor Victor and the congregation. I was given a moment to address the congregation. With Pastor Victor interpreting, I basically thanked them for welcoming us, told them that we come to them from the US in the name of Jesus Christ, as servants to the most high God and look forward to meeting and getting to know each one of them individually.
As they opened the service with song, they sang with all of their hearts. The volume of their voices was equal to the volume of the instruments. I can't recall ever having been in a service anywhere in my 18 years of Christianity where I have experienced a similar worship experience. These people have so little, but express their gratitude to the Lord for what they do have in ways that, in my experience, are unrivaled.
The children outnumbered the adults in the service. It started at 7:30 pm and generally goes on until midnight on Sat nights. The mothers brought blankets for the toddlers. As the service went into the night, these toddlers would lay their blankets on the concrete floor in the aisle between the pews and go to sleep. The children were called up front to sing us a song in English in our honor. (As I understand, it is common for the children that do attend school to know some English while their parents know very little or none at all.) They sang "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See". The teens were challenged to recite scripture and adults took turns coming to the front to sing songs as the Lord led them.
Throughout the service, the Holy Spirit used these people to convict me of my heart and attitude towards worship, servanthood and thanksgiving. He made it very clear to me that there is much to be learned from this body of believers as long as we remain humble and teachable. We are here to teach, encourage and serve, as well as learn, receive encouragement and be taught.
As we discover that there is much more purpose in why we are here than we originally thought or imagined I'm reminded of the song "Room Enough To Dream" by Stephen Roach. (I highly recommend that you search this song.)
God's plan for us is the same, only He chooses to reveal it to us a bit at a time because He loves us.
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